How To Become An Entrepreneur In Nigeria: All You Need To Know

The level of unemployment in Nigeria has risen to an all time high,
and because of this,a lot of people will advise the fresh out of the university graduate to ''find something and be doing'',what this means is that the individual should look for something that will be generating money on a regular basis. 
In this post we are going to check out ways that an individual can become a successful entrepreneur in Nigeria and also some places where you can enroll for entrepreneurship training in Nigeria.

How To Become An Entrepreneur In Nigeria

Currently everyone wants to be an entrepreneur without taking out time to fully understand the concept of entrepreneurship in Nigeria. Before we proceed it's imperative that we understand what entrepreneurship is? 

Q: What Is Entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship is basically the process of designing, launching and running a new business from scratch,these business is usually a small business,people who create these successful businesses are called entrepreneurs.

Q: Understanding Entrepreneurship In Nigeria?

(a) Misconstrued Beliefs 

A lot of Nigerian youths cannot even understand what 
entrepreneurship means,some internet fraudsters even tag themselves 'entrepreneurs',as defined above an enterpeneur is someone who develops a legit business that can be able to generate income. 

(b) Income Generation

A lot of young people think that entrepreneurs make a lot of money and are quick to enroll for entrepreneurship seminars and programs,don't be deceived, infact over 90% of people who decide to be enterpeneurs abort the mission when they don't start to see the 'quick profits',so it's important that you know the truth before investing your time,money and energy.

(c) Capital 

A lot of these enterpeneurship programs in Nigeria will be quick to collect money from students that want to enroll for these programs without telling the students that upon graduation,they will probably be needing enough capital to start up. 

If you are planning to become an enterpeneur,you should make concrete plans for capital.

Q: How To Become An Entrepreneur In Nigeria?

(a) Seminars / Programs

There are a lot of good organizations that organize seminars and programs for aspiring entrepreneurs,however it is necessary that you know that most of these organizations won't provide start up capital,most often loans and capital are offered by banks to entrepreneurs. 
(b) Mentorship

Since enterpeneurship is all about learning and trying out other ventures,you can ask one of your friends or mentors to teach you the ropes. Someone can directly teach you about a skill or trade that can fetch you money. 

Read Also: Understanding Coperate Social Responsibility In Nigeria

(c) Good Qualities

Before you can be a successful entrepreneur there are some qualities which you must attain in other to become successful. 

If your one of those looking for easy and quick money then enterpeneurship is not for you,in other to become a successful enterpeneur you must have patience,be consistent and always practice,because most successful entrepreneurs will always tell you how they failed several times. 

In Conclusion

There are different organization that offer skill acquisition and entrepreneurship training in Nigeria aimed to train and educate Nigerian youths,however caution should be taken when enrolling into these programs.
